In 2022, I’d like to actively look outwards in the day-to-day, seeking one-of-a-kind experiences accessible in my own vicinity in Tokyo (and the Kanto Region), roughly at the rate of about once a week (e.g. taking advantage of a quiet weekday).
Below is a personal bucket list, something that I will add to and cross out as I go. If you’re reading this, I would love to hear your suggestions, and if you’re interested in any of these things, it would be great to see if we can tick them off together as well. Also, if there are any that you hadn’t thought of and like to add to your own list, that would be splendid too :)
I have not been lucky enough to physically travel and get to know every culture on the planet, but I have been blessed to be living in the age of the internet; giving us invaluable access to motion pictures from across time and space 🎞
I thought it would be kinda fun to make a visual record of this ‘virtual journey’ since it visuailses where I might have the opportunity to be further inclusive, or more internationally versed through watching motion pictures that capture stories that are yet categorically unknown to me.
都知事選で誰がどうなのか全く不明な方へ。個人的に参考になると思うものを初級 → ややアドバンスドステージまで纏めました。今夜20:00までの投票です(エリアによっては変わる可能性がありますのでご注意ください) 🙂
Starting this year, Cannes Lions inaugurated the Sustainable Development Goals Lions, specifically awarding work that advances and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda heading for 2030.
SXSW 2018 で AI & Machine Learning、並びに Best of Show で賞を取った UNANIMOUS AI.
そこで今回は日本語でゆるゆるに、箇条書き style で共有することにしました。
It's been a while since I've posted anything here.
I've moved back to Japan in Jan 2015 and it's already Sep 2017.
Time surely does fly, especially when you make a big move.
It's been amazing being back, while also feeling 'homesick' towards my second home, Sydney.
And on that note of slight nostalgia, here's a little something that I thought was lovely re: taking a scientific, data-driven, rational approach to maximising more moments that we feel truly happy.
Project Return World (PRW) is a cross-border collaboration with our friends from all over the world.
Cross-border collaboration in Tokyo between @nynnobelair & @in_karin. Through Project Return World (PRW) We're spreading the word for cultural tolerance and understanding. With many terrible news around the world this year with shootings in Kenya, a massacre in Nigeria, bombs in Beirut and the attack in Paris (which are only segments of the pain caused around the world reported to us through the media), we can only keep uncovering the world with more connections, bro hugs and kanpai's of mutual respect.
Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both... I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
A sick hip hop track shared to us by Shing02. Lyrics inside.
Louis CK is probably the most hilarious and awesome man alive today.
A collaboration with photographers, artists and EVERYONE world-wide.
The idea of plants having intelligence is a contradiction to our world view, but at the same time it is deeply consistent with our theory of evolution. All life is branched out from the once centre, rippling..
You don't have to work in fashion to know how badly chlorine bleach damages your fabric. I'm sure a lot of people have bleached their favourite white garments, tried it on only to find that it's much..
When a song manages to rekindle our faith in humanity in just under four and a half minutes, that's something to talk about.
'Haru' (春) means 'spring' in Japanese. The nostalgic beauty of the season is remarkably captured in sonic expression by Christian Fennesz and Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Barry Underwood transforms natural landscapes into something surreal yet comfortably familiar.
A Scene at the Sea is a story about a hearing-impaired couple: a garbage collector who learns how to surf, and his girlfriend who supports him through his new found fondness for the waves.
Stumbled across this awesome nature-inspired tune on Beat Soup's Mixcloud.
A big shout out to the beautiful soul of Nujabes and Hydeout Productions for donating us his lovely track, Voice of Autumn. It's an awesome feeling to be supported by such an inspiring group of..
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute truth.
There's a lot of story behind this t-shirt. When my boyfriend bought it for me, I had never met him.
This is idea is exciting because of the possibilities it offers in creating your own colour schemes for the terra cotta pots, which you can readily coordinate with the environment you have at home.
It feels good. You can't go wrong with organic cotton. Not every t-shirt I own is organic cotton, but I'll definitely buy it again. It's a good material, and it doesn't shrink after putting it in the wash.
Titan (the largest moon of Saturn) behind Saturn’s rings photographed by the Cassini spacecraft. The dark curve of Enceladus is visible at the bottom of the image.
A black t-shirt is the laziest, easiest way to be stylish; effortlessly stylish. It offers a timeless look from the 60's, all the way up until now. It never goes out of fashion. I pretty much had the same..
That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and..