Updated: Mar 15, 2022
I have not been lucky enough to physically travel and get to know every culture on the planet, but I have been blessed to be living in the age of the internet; giving us invaluable access to motion pictures from across time and space 🎞
I thought it would be kind of fun to make a visual record of this ‘virtual journey’, since it visuailses where I might have the opportunity to be further inclusive, or more internationally versed through watching motion pictures that capture stories that are yet categorically unknown to me.
I’ve obviously seen a large number of films in English and Japanese, but the pins below are populated with the intention to cover things widely, as opposed to densely in a targeted geocultural area (with the exception of certain topics in history and current affairs that require a certain level of breadth and depth in order to get a balanced viewpoint).
The map is easier to navigate in the expanded view than the embedded one below.
FYI, the films are loosely picked based on a couple of criteria:
It shares a unique cultural perspective
It does not actively promote separation, antagonism, or misinformation.
It touches on shared human values of unity, connection; dialogues to bridge differences etc.
It offers historical, and cultural context to the above (e.g. the documentaries)
It goes beyond simple entertainment with a cultural makeover
If you have any suggestions please feel free to share!